Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Making it in poetry" by Bob Hicok

"Making it in poetry"
by Bob Hicok

The young teller
at the credit union
asked why so many
small checks
from universities?
Because I write
poems I said. Why
haven't I heard
of you? Because
I write poems
I said.

1. Is the title of this poem ironic or not? Explain your answer.

The title of this poem is very ironic because the poem tells of how the author does not make very much money, and also is not very well known. Most people's definition of "making it" is to be successful,and make money. This poem is very funny because the narrator is almost annoyed with the teller's unnecessary questions.

2. Both of the teller's questions are answered the same way. Is there irony in that fact?

Yes, the irony of the same answer for both questions is the fact that the second question "why haven't I heard of you?" was brought up by the answer to the first question. Which is also the answer to the second. The writer tells us that the reason for not being well-known or making very much money is his type of job.

3. Do you find any significance in the description of the teller as "young"?

I think there is significance in the teller being young because the teller really has no business in asking about the narrator's business. Usually younger people tend to ask unnecessary questions. If the narrator had been older the situation might not have happened. Also making the teller young the writer gives us detail and description to the man which makes the story more realistic and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. The poem never explicitly states that the author makes no money. If any thing the poem implys the opposite becuase the teller asked "Why so many small check". The poem's title likey means that making it in poetry earns no fame.(Response to Answer 1)
